Antisemitism 2.0 - Woke and Islamist Jew Hatred
Modern Antisemitism
Even though antisemitism as a phenomenon has its roots firmly based within Christianity, it isn’t just a bunch of hot-heads within Christianity who peddle this type of hatred, there are many neo-Nazis in bed with Islamists who have also decided to target Jews for special attention.
On October the 7th, 2024, hundreds of Palestinian terrorists [Hamas and Islamic Jihad] invaded Israel and murdered some 1,200 Israeli civilians. Women and children were gang-raped by these Palestinian men who then murdered them. On at least one occasion, a female victim of these gang rapes had one of her breasts sliced off as she was being raped by men shouting “God is Great!” and where the cut off breast was thrown to the ground like it was some piece of tainted meat, and after she was raped, the terrorists simply killed her. A new born baby was found later with its head hacked off, the baby’s mother’s body was laying close by. The brutality didn’t stop there, some Israeli children had their hands tied behind their back and then had flammable liquid poured over them and the Palestinians set them alight. A Jewish man, after falling to the ground within his own home after being sliced in the stomach had his faced smashed in with what looked like a shovel by one of his Palestinian attackers who kept yelling “Allahu Akbar” every time the shovel hit his face. These Palestinian terrorists had been instructed by their leaders who remained in Gaza to kill as many people they could get their hands on and when they were ready to return to Gaza, they were to seize as many Jews as they could and take them as hostages (well over 200 were taken, which included a holocaust survivor and a baby). Those who planned this assault on Israel, which they refer to as the ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’, hoped that other Arab Muslim nations would rally to them when Israel attacked Gaza, thus triggering a larger regional war with Isreal, which of course did not happen, and the purpose of taking hostages was so that they were to be used as bargaining chips, either to be used as a mechanism to force the Israelis to stop their assault or to initiate a temporary ceasefire, which would allow Hamas to regroup and rearm and to plan more terrorist assaults against the Israeli Defence Forces [IDF] and Israeli citizens. Even though Hamas have returned some of their hostages, they have also murdered numerous others, and the female hostages that have been freed had to endure assaults, rapes and humiliation at the hands of these Islamists.
What was even more alarming in relation to what was happening in Israel and Gaza was what was occurring on the streets in the West – before the Palestinian terrorists had even left Israeli soil, Islamists and their woke friends living in Britain and other European countries, and even in America took to their streets, not to condemn the slaughter the Palestinians were engaged in but to accuse Israel of being the aggressor, the woke left, have been spoon fed antisemitic tropes by Palestinian terrorist sympathers who had infiltrated our college campuses for decades, students and their family members began to repeat Islamist blood libels against the Jews on our streets. They have accused Israel of committing genocide against the Palestinians even though the Palestinians had attempted their own genocide against Israeli men, women and children - a claim easily debunked just by looking at the population statistics for Gaza and the West Bank. They have even claimed that Isreal has turned Gaza into an open-air prison which again, the evidence disproves - Gaza has a border with Egypt and the West Bank has a border with Jordan - the Egyptians and the Jordanians have refused to open up their border crossing-points to allow Palestinians fleeing the war in. The Egyptians, like the Jordanians and other Arab nations have had serious negative experiences with Palestinian refugees in the past and do not want a repeat of the troubles that the Palestinians import with them (the Palestinians turned on their hosts and caused civil and military unrest). No neighbouring Arab-Muslim country has stepped up to the plate to offer any Palestinians refugee status on their soil since the Israel-Gaza war started. Israel has also been accused to trying to starve the Palestinians to death, even though that they have allowed hundreds of trucks carrying all sorts of aid into Gaza, these pro-Palestinian supporters choose to pretend that it isn’t Hamas that seizes most of these trucks and keeps the aid, which they then sell so as to help in their quest to raise funds to purchase more weapons of terror. Hundreds of thousands of British, German, French and American citizens have taken to the streets regularly and actively call for the total destruction of Isreal and have shown their support for Hamas by doing so, they have shown us all how antisemitic they truly are, but they still tried to hide their hatred of the Jews behind dead Palestinian children with an array of false speech and euphemisms.
Some these Western students have openly stated that rape isn’t rape so long as the women or children being raped are Jewish, they claim that it is ‘a form of resistance' and some of these students had taken part in 'MeToo marches'. They are okay with male violence against women and children so long as those women are the people they hate. Many of these Western antisemites have shown their loyalty to Palestinian antisemitism by choosing to wear a keffiyeh (a Palestinian headscarf) or by displaying a Palestinian flag in their windows or shops. One of their best-known antisemitic chants is: ‘From the River to the Sea' and when challenged these Westerners don’t even know what ‘River’ or what ‘Sea’ they are chanting about, but they chant it anyway because their breathern in the Islamic community chant it all the time against the Jews. In Islam, Muhammad made sure that his Muslim followers would have holy texts that call for the slaughter of the Jews, it is a hatred that was built into the heart of Islam, that is why a Muslim may detest a Jew, for they are commanded to, but non-Muslims do it because they have swallowed far too much of the Palestinian Kool-Aid.
In Hamas’ most recent charter, this river to the sea policy is explained, Israel is to be taken into an Islamist controlled Palestinian caliphate and yet our Woke extremists try to deny that this is a genocidal chant and pretend that it is nothing but a song of resistance against the evil Jews! These people also claim that ‘Zionism’ is what they are attacking and therefore being anti-Zionist just means that they oppose Jewish aggression, but to be a Zionist simply means to believe that the Jews should have their own homeland, which they have had now since 1948, so to be anti-Zionist, is to say that Isreal should be wiped off the face of the map, and this would entail the slaughter of the Jews first. Some even claim that Israel is a colonial entity and being anti-colonialist means to oppose that country’s right to exist. What these neo-antisemites seem to forget, is that modern Palestine itself is also a colonial entity, it was created by colonial powers after World War Two (Palestine was actually a creation of ancient Rome after they forced the Jews off most of the land and dissolved their state [Israel]) and so was Pakistan and Bangladesh, which was originally part of India, but our Islamic-loving antisemites never call for the end of those two colonial created Islamic entities, they only want the Jewish state wiped out!
Fact: Islam teaches Muslim children to hate the Jews and to kill them so as to bring on Judgement Day.
Below: Modern antisemites protesting against the Jews, on Union Street, Aberdeen, Scotland (2024) because of israel's audacity to strike back at the people who murdered and raped their women and children on October 7th 2023. Here they are demanding that the Jews stop the war and allow the terrorist group, Hamas to stay in power in Gaza.
The West's Pro-Palestinian mob are the West's new Nazi Brownshirts!
After most of the Jews were forcibly expelled from their native soil centuries ago by Imperial Rome, The Romans, remained ‘Samaria’ (Israel) Palestine and they also handed large tracts of Jewish land to their colonial governors who governed neighbouring regions (for example, Jordan). Palestine was never a country in a legal sense, it simply became a region where Jews still lived and were a small number of Arab Muslims immigrated to. In fact, when it was ruled as part of the Ottoman Empire [Current day Turkey], it was never granted any form of autonomy and was therefore governed simply as region. Jews and non-Jewish Arabs were eventually offered their own independent states by the United Nations after the Second World War, which had taken over the custodianship of Palestine. Jews who had fled Europe after the holocaust had legally purchased large areas of land from Arabs who had settled within the Palestinian region years before, and when these purchases were going on, Palestine was nothing but a dust bowl, with virtually no agriculture, and no real commerce. The Jews accepted the offer of homeland but the Arab population who hadn’t sold their parcels of land were encouraged by Muslim neighbouring countries to reject a two-state solution because they were told that large Muslim armies would wipe the Israeli state off the face of the earth. These Muslim countries instructed those Arabs who were still in Palestine to leave their homes and move into refugee camps within their own countries until the armies of Islam [Egyptian, Iraqi, Lebanese and even a Saudi unit which served with the Egyptian] smashed Israel to pieces and slaughtered every Jew. This Arab-Israeli War of 1948 did not go the way the Muslim armies hoped, Israel, defeated them all. Had these Muslim armies been successful, another holocaust would certainly have occurred, this time in the Middle East. The Palestinian Arabs who did what they were told and fled into refugee centres, were told that they should stay as refugees as this label could be used against Israel in later years, and that they should resist all offers of a two-state solution, which they have continued to do. The United Nations still regards all Palestinians as refugees, even those who have homes in Gaza and the west Bank and today, thanks to the strong Islamic voting bloc within the UN, the term ‘refugee’ used when referring to Palestinians was redefined so that Palestinians would be permanently seen as refugees, at least until Israel is deleted from history, which in turn, allows Palestinians to continue to see themselves as victims of the Zionist state and therefore be allowed access to free money, free education, free health care and free food from the UN humanitarian schemes (why work when you can get everything for nothing?). This is why the United Nation Relief and Works Agency for Palestine was created, and after the October pogrom, the world has discovered that Palestinian, Islamist terrorist leaders within Gaza and the West Bank decide control and work for that organisation. It has also been discovered that there were UNRWA schoolteachers who actively participated in the slaughter of men, women and children during the ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’ and that in all UNRWA controlled schools, children where learning their ABCs with the aid of antisemitic literature, for example, in one maths book, the children were asked ‘If there were five Jews, and an Islamic martyr had killed three of those Jews, how many Jews would be left?’ Palestinian school children have put on pro-Islamist terrorist school plays where some of the children were dressed up in Islamic battle dress and where they pretended to killed Jews. They even have board games that helped mould other forms of militant Islamic violence, one such board game is taken from the West’s version of Snakes and Ladders, instead of snakes and ladders there are tanks, rockets and Islamists carrying RPG-7s and of course, the baddies on the board are of course ‘Israelis. Children from the word “Go!” are being taught that they should strive to be a holy warrior of Islam and their final aim should be to become a martyr [a suicide bomber]. No wonder there is so much hate in Palestine against their Jewish neighbours. This type of Palestinian indoctrination feeds into the never-ending cycle of violence that we constantly see in that region, Golda Meir, the fourth Prime Minister of Israel, the author of ‘A Land of Our Own: An Oral Autobiography.’ Said:
“When peace comes, we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons. Peace will come when Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.”
She is right, when Palestinian mothers and fathers no longer want their children to die as martyrs for the cause, then peace may have a chance to blossom. Until the Palestinian people scream “Enough! No more!” the violence and hate will continue to breed and fester.
The Western pro-Palestinian supporters who take to the streets to attack Israel and the Jews are todays brownshirts, they just live in a different era. Many of the faces of these modern-day Jew-haters have been captured in the form of photographs and video for future generations to condemn.
The rise of antisemitism in the West has been growing for decades now, but it increases when we see more inward immigration (legal and illegal) from Islamic countries. Far too many Muslims do not leave their hatreds behind when they apply for citizenship in the West, they try to get us to adopt their hatreds, especially if they are directed against the Jews. October 7th, we witnessed the ugly face of their hatred towards all things Jewish.
This is the West’s shame, for the authorities i.e., all our politicians; the police; the media, especially the BBC; Sky News; TRT and al Jazeera which have all shown us their contempt for Israel; the entertainment business; colleges and universities, they have all did little to nothing curb this rise in Jew-hared, our politicians, police, educators and the media alongside many celebrities have at times rallied with the Islamists against the only true liberal democracy within the Middle East, these groups of people and their organisations they represent have shown us their inner antisemitism, which many have tried to hide with euphemisms for years, we now know who they are, and what they really represent! Britain now feels like it is an antisemitic country alongside many other western democracies.
Today's Pro-Palestinian supporters are tomorrows Einsatzgruppen - They hate the Jews just as much!
Below: The scene of a Jewish childrens playroom/classroom after Palestinian terrorists had butchered everyone found hiding in it. The Jewish authorities, unlike the Islamist rulers in Gaza, did not think it appropriate to use images of their dead children for propaganda purposes and had all the bodies removed before releasing the image. But we can see the barbarity of the Palestinian mind.